Will the Man Get Frog


35 points | by Wowfunhappy 4 days ago


  • Rendello 7 hours ago
    PICO-8 is fun. I spent a good few months writing Tweetcarts, little PICO-8 Lua demo programs that fit in tweets. You had to record the GIF manually, so I made a bot to take your tweets and run the code, replying with the GIF.

    After months of work, I released my bot just a few hours before someone had planned to release theirs. We'd both spent a lot of time on this problem and he was sort of bummed out, but we both released our bots and learned from each other. (Neither works now after the Twitter API change)

    My bot:



    His bot: https://x.com/TweetCartRunner

  • SweetNothing 3 hours ago

      Soap ticks south on skin.
      Fine hairs remind him of frost.
      Downing a sweet beer.
    Given https://imgur.com/a/lZKnjgM
  • tombert 8 hours ago
    A surprisingly fun little toy.

    Pico-8 is a pretty fun little environment. The limitations work to its benefit, because it's fun to see what people can squeeze out of it, and you get a lot of weird and cool and unique stuff that I'm not sure would exist with our infinitely powerful computers today.

    • ljf 1 hour ago
      I have a rg35xx to run some old emulators on, but it came with Pico-8 and a few games installed - these are some of the games I enjoy the most. The look great in the screen/size and I really need to seek out some more to install.
  • Wowfunhappy 4 days ago
    I got:

        We of just one earth.
        Vain and proud and smug yet wise.
        Just one can fix it.
  • rocketvole 7 hours ago
    super fun. Really enjoyed messing with this- simple but creative.