Ask HN: Who else is doing a local meetup? (We are, in Helsinki)

Anyone else organising a local meetup?

Here in deepest darkest Finland we find that a weekend coffee morning works well. It's a relaxed chat and a nice way to meet people in the local "tech community" (whatever that means)

And if you don't have a local meetup but want to have one: it's a lot easier to bootstrap them now that that ( exists. Though you do end up putting your details on be sure to check there is some way to contact you.

And if you want to join us this Sunday (16th) in Helsinki, sign up here:

21 points | by calpaterson 3 days ago


  • CameronBanga 2 days ago
    We have a monthly makers meetup in Valparaiso, Indiana. In 2020 we formed a 501c3 to help formalize and fund some events, but the group had been meeting up as "ValpoHacks" since around 2015. If you're in Northwest Indiana or the greater Chicagoland region, we would love to have you.

  • nbbaier 2 days ago
    I'd love to know if there's a Chicago meetup happening!
  • dkekenflxlf 2 days ago
    Munich / Germany here