• wutwutwat 8 hours ago
    A lot of folks accepting image uploads don't realize they need to remove the exif data from the images, as that often leaks gps coordinates if they were taken using a cell phone. With imagemagick, you can use the `-strip` flag[0] when processing the images to remove that info.

    [0] https://imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#stri...

    • jmkni 43 minutes ago
      IIRC This is how John McAfee's location was leaked when he was on the run, a Vice reporter took a selfie with him and uploaded it to the website without stripping the EXIF data
    • kristianp 5 hours ago
      It's shame all exif info is stripped. I like to see the camera info, such as focal length, aperture and what lens too for interchangeable lens cameras.
    • al_borland 8 hours ago
      A responsible site will strip this on the user’s behalf, but no one should rely on that.

      If I want to be lazy about it and quality doesn’t matter, I’ll take a screenshot as a quick way to strip EXIF data, the location being the key piece I want gone.

  • jxramos 12 hours ago
    checks out for me, just spot checked this image https://github.com/ianare/exif-samples/blob/master/jpg/Canon.... I loaded as an unpacked extension, works great so far.

    Looks good too for imgur which typically has no metadata on the images https://imgur.com/i2iHgAI https://i.imgur.com/i2iHgAI.jpeg

    Thank you for this useful extension.

  • 2Gkashmiri 13 hours ago
    Firefox version please. Dont help chrome only future
    • sentientslug 11 hours ago
      You’re free to make one yourself