Show HN: Bubbles, a vanilla JavaScript web game


178 points | by ehmorris 19 hours ago


  • SamBam 18 hours ago

    It took me a few times to realize that I could do bombs or slingshots by clicking in empty space. The tutorial makes it look like you have to click on a bubble. Maybe the black circle in the tutorial should be removed?

    I also got a little confused in the beginning about par vs lives. At first it seemed like par was the only important thing, since that's what pops up after the level. The lives icon at the bottom wasn't particularly noticeable to me. I just kind of figured there were only N levels, until I finally realized that dropping bubbles was making me lose lives.

    Edit: Oh, and you can multi-touch and set off multiple slingshots at once! Secrets secrets...

    • a1r 2 hours ago
      This. The 'black circle' in the tutorial is no good, maybe a dotted circle instead to make it clear you're supposed to be tapping empty space and not a black bubble.
    • megadata 18 hours ago
      I had exactly the same experience.
      • 4b11b4 17 hours ago
        Same, thought I had to hold or pull back on a ball
      • lukevp 17 hours ago
        Same as well! Game is fun once you get it
      • dothack 13 hours ago
  • stevage 12 hours ago
    Really well built, and I love the tutorial...


    Jeepers, it starts off so hard compared to the tutorial.

    1. I was not expecting bubbles to move (since they are all static in the tutorial).

    2. I wasn't expecting a golf/par scoring thing.

    3. I didn't realise you could (and should) start powering up during the countdown at the start.

    4. Took me a long time to realise you can just click quickly to create bubbles, without having to do the aim-and-shoot thing.

    5. Straight away I felt like I was being insulted by having my score described as "Disaster" etc.

    6. There's no way to get back to the tutorial.

    So overall, I'd say:

    - there are fun mechanics here

    - it's good there is a tutorial

    - but the tutorial did not prepare me for the game

    - the game felt too hard too quickly and mean

  • megadata 18 hours ago
    Slick as silk! But too fast too quickly. Gimme some easy endorphin in the first few levels before I start struggling.
    • t0k0l0sh 17 hours ago
      Agreed, perhaps it's easier on a mobile device but I found the first two levels after the tutorial way to fast using a touchpad and left a little frustrated :-(

      Easing into the difficulty slower sounds like a good plan!

      • al_borland 16 hours ago
        I was on mobile and it felt like by the time I saw what was happening I was already losing. Very little reaction time available. I thought maybe it would be easier on a desktop, but I guess not.. maybe with a mouse instead of a trackpad.

        Or maybe the author is going for the flappy bird effect. Make it punishingly hard, so players celebrate hitting level 4. But I didn’t have the same intant addiction as I did with Flappy Bird. Probably due to more complex gameplay and each level having 3 ways to play it.

        • ehmorris 15 hours ago
          Yes if you don’t already know where the bubbles are gonna fall it’s very hard to get to them in time with a trackpad. Although I play with a trackpad myself and can beat most levels.

          I had a friend suggest a “course preview” during the countdown screen so that users can anticipate the bubbles without memorizing them.

          • al_borland 13 hours ago
            I replayed it some more and I improved with each go. It’s kind of like older games, where the levels have to be learned over time to get good. I think we’ve forgotten about that with the more gentle on-ramp most games give these days.
      • megadata 17 hours ago
        I was on mobile, too much cortisol vs endorphin.
  • mjburgess 18 hours ago
    A touchpad seems to really cripple the gameplay -- one idea could be to ask what device players are using and make slight adjustments. For touchpads, moving the cursor is slower, and the drag-pull mechanism doesnt really work -- and its easy to misclick a drag.

    Some rougelike mechanics would also make it possible to naturally level the gameplay -- ie., the more failures a person has the more metaprogression they get, so worse players unlock a natural easy mode.

    • flanbiscuit 17 hours ago
      > and the drag-pull mechanism doesnt really work

      Doesn't work for me at all on both Firefox and Chrome (latest versions for both) on MacOS using the touch pad. I can't get past that screen on my laptop. Had to open it up on my phone to see what comes after.

      Otherwise it's a fun challenging game

    • dylan604 18 hours ago
      I walked through the demo thinking that was a decent demo. Then round 1 and nothing was the same.

      I was playing with a magic touch mouse, and have decided it was not designed for that interaction. Assuming designed for mobile and us desktop users are just square pegging a round hole.

      • ehmorris 18 hours ago
        It’s easier on desktop if you stick with slingshots and make your window fairly narrow
    • ehmorris 18 hours ago
      Yes desktop is extra challenging. On mobile you can spam slingshots with all 10 fingers but on desktop you’ve got to be leet fast.
      • mjburgess 18 hours ago
        Perhaps create mirrored slingshots with keys?

        ie., if I hold a,s,d,f,g then I get 5 mirrors of my touchpad, and holding eg., a/g places two at the edges?

  • putzdown 12 hours ago
    Yes, as other commenters have said, this game is a great example of the design error where the tutorial careful prepares the player for not-this-game. There’s another game out there somewhere that the tutorial has made us competent to play. Meanwhile we need a different tutorial for this game.
  • thih9 2 hours ago

    Feedback: the concept of “lives” spoils the fun for me; I’d like to retry a level without having to replay earlier ones.

  • ricardobeat 13 hours ago
    Really nice interactions. A bit too fast paced for my iPhone Mini, and I have no idea what this “par” and “bogey” stuff means (is it golf lingo?), but looks promising!
  • anentropic 1 hour ago
    too hard

    and when trying to do a slingshot it's easy for the mouse to go outside the app and then the shot gets stuck without firing

  • sysashi 4 hours ago
    Cool game! at first I thought it's an "aim trainer" of some sorts :D I forgot about everything (slings and bombs) besides clicking and tried to click all the way through.
  • zakki 15 hours ago
    In my phone, Samsung A14 5G, I have to touch screen below falling bubble to blow it. If I touch the exact location, it is too late.
    • ehmorris 14 hours ago
      Oh no. That will make the whole game frustrating. I actually recently made a change to try to mitigate this so I’m sad to hear it’s still an issue. I take the pointer position on pointerdown and pointerup, and do collision detection both times. Then I pop the underlying bubble in either case, giving you the benefit of the two possible pop locations.
    • simbas 14 hours ago
      Same on pixel 6a
  • herczegzsolt 15 hours ago
    Way too hard for me to be enjoyable.
    • IshKebab 15 hours ago
      Yeah it's kind of laggy too.
  • TZubiri 13 hours ago
    In desktop, dragging outside of the square canvas (and of course outside the windows) doesn't quite work.

    I wonder how you would fix this, I think you could "capture" the cursor, and use esc to return it, not sure if that works in the browser.

  • simpaticoder 19 hours ago
    Really cool stuff, ehmorris. Your work harkens back to the early days of the web when bundlers and minifiers were the exception, rather than the rule. Work like this can really help beginners understand how powerful vanilla JavaScript can be by just looking at your source!

    One neat thing you can do is embed an SVG favicon in your html page, which will be properly rendered at all resolutions on all major browsers - plus it saves another sub-resource request. Here is the favicon at

      <link id="favicon" rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="data:image/svg+xml,
      <svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 1 1'>
          <rect width='1' height='1' fill='DodgerBlue' />
    This can help you make your already clean source even cleaner and delete some subresources. Cheers!
  • RomanPushkin 16 hours ago
    (shameless plug) Another JavaScript you might like (I'm the author). Do "Restart -> Hard" for a challenge.
  • EspadaV9 10 hours ago
    Fun little game. As others have said, the tutorial is nice, but very misleading compared to the actual game, and the game starts way too hard.

    I beat Bubbles! 1951 over par overall

    Tapped 90 times: 0 hits, 90 misses Launched 2202 slingshots Detonated 1 blast

  • neogodless 18 hours ago
    I really don't understand the 4th level. Is it much easier on a touch screen? With a mouse I can't seem to intuitively set off a rocket or whatever that can get the cascading falling balls!
    • ehmorris 17 hours ago
      Oh, this one is one of my favorites. If you time it right, you can get all six with a slingshot of the right speed.
  • redbell 14 hours ago
    A pleasant game, love it! Also, the name Bubbles reminds me of:

    Another fun game from the same author:

  • tobyhinloopen 6 hours ago
    Way too fast to start with. Is it design for phones? Because on desktop it is moving way too fast
  • Minor49er 15 hours ago
    Kind of makes me think of the trip-out sequence you get on after you drink the soda, if you pop all of the carbonation bubbles on the page by clicking on them, you get made fun of in a pop-up for wasting your time
  • hakaneskici 13 hours ago
    Your code is such a fresh air after being subject to a decade of bloat. Thanks.
  • fyrn_ 13 hours ago
    I want to be able to replay a level, don't force me into the next level.
  • boutell 19 hours ago
    Looks neat... can't drag the ball in linux chrome (dragging works for me elsewhere), maybe I'll try later on my phone.
    • ehmorris 19 hours ago
      You've gotta move your mouse at least 36 pixels within the first ~200 ms. You might be pulling it too slowly.
    • PonyoSunshine 16 hours ago
      Same problem for me. MacOS/Firefox.
    • colecut 19 hours ago
      same problem on macOS chrome
  • latexr 10 hours ago
    Having to restart over and over kills it for me. I’d much rather be able to repeat a level until I got it perfect then move on.
  • daniel_iversen 15 hours ago
    Wow, incredible work! It seems quite novel to me and was super fast to learn and instantly fun to play! Did you consider wrapping it in a mobile mobile app to try and make a few bucks?
    • ehmorris 15 hours ago
      This is my “finally try to make something real with AI” project that I have yet to do. I have no native experience. Both for this and
      • daniel_iversen 10 hours ago
        Oh don't misunderstand me, the game is really amazing and I don't think it has to be actually native at all - just pondering whether you might want to get it in the hands of more people and get some economic benefits from the great work you've done is all! :)
  • jsherwani 11 hours ago
    it would be nice if i could save my progress at every level so i could just keep working on one level at a time.
  • nightpool 16 hours ago
    Fun game! Getting some errors trying to set the velocity of balls:
  • EstanislaoStan 18 hours ago
    I beat Bubbles! 368 over par overall

    Tapped 8 times: 2 hits, 6 misses Launched 444 slingshots Detonated 55 blasts

    • ehmorris 18 hours ago
      A slingshot tank! Did you like the fireworks?
  • 90s_dev 18 hours ago
    Your source is nice and clean[1]. No dependencies is a wonderful goal. Status quo is inherently always against innovation. I like the approach the Go team took of rethinking new solutions from first principles, and I hope you got to experience the joy of that in this project.


    • ehmorris 18 hours ago
      Thanks! Writing the game has been really fun and I’m proud of the codebase. It’s therapeutic to work on it because I get to skip all the frustrating parts of web dev like writing config files.
      • mjburgess 18 hours ago
        I think you'd gain clarity from `export function` and `function` over the anonymous fn + const style -- which seems a little like zig?

        And the getter/setter system: I dont see a reason for over `{getHeight: () => height}` over `return {height, weight}` ?

        Since canvasManager is mostly just data properties, you could also destructure those inline to funciton parameters, ie., function drawX({ctx, height, width, scale}) etc.

  • vivzkestrel 9 hours ago
    so what are those bubbles? divs with a border-radius of 50% that transform X and Y with random values? how is this implemented?
  • wkirby 17 hours ago
    Absolutely love the sound design on this.
    • ehmorris 16 hours ago
      Me too. They’re all by my friend Max Kotelchuck. He made the sounds for /lander too.
  • bosky101 18 hours ago
    Great onboarding. Super smooth. Why isn't there a try again even if you succeed. Congrats
  • jeffd 16 hours ago
    Pretty slick experience from Mobile Safari!
  • hyperfuturism 15 hours ago
    beat the game with 31 over par overall. im on an iphone 16 pro.

    touchscreen users have huge edge over desktop for sure.

  • bryzaguy 16 hours ago
    This game is so good! Played on my iPhone
  • higgins 18 hours ago
    Good old fashioned addiction
  • jrks11o 14 hours ago
    input delay heavy on mobile browser, otherwise nice!
    • ehmorris 14 hours ago
      Ah bummer. Some phones struggle because the bubbles are pre-generated bitmaps drawn each frame.
  • owebmaster 18 hours ago
    Beautiful JS code, happy to see this after people started to create DOOM using TypeScript types.

    Edit: yay, beat all levels after learning I can use slingshot multiple times