Found Bitcoin Whitepaper Watermark


4 points | by deggen 2 days ago


  • deggen 2 days ago
    Steganographic techniques were used to hide the initials and last name of the author of the Bitcoin White Paper. The analysis document details how to check the proof yourself. In short, the initials are revealed by an intentional mistake in the order of references. 16 years, and Satoshi is finally revealed.
    • neximo64 2 days ago
      So what is it, its like the lead is buried
  • deggen 2 days ago

    Step 1. Find any and all errors in the bitcoin.pdf.

    Step 2. Notice that [7][2][5] should be [2], [5], [7] conforming to IEEE or Vancouver standards.

    Step 3. Use the error as a map: 7 => 2, 2 => 5, 5 => 7

    Step 4. Extract the watermark from the references. Reference 7 letter 2 = C, Reference 2 letter 5 = S, Reference 5 letter 7 = W

    There is a second message. Extraction method is linked github. Reveals DRCSWRIGHT

  • EAtmULFO 2 days ago
    Here we go again...

    TLDR; claim is Craig: