For some time now I've been researching how to become a digital nomad and legally optimise my taxes.
There are numerous services that claim to be able to help with this, here are just two examples that I found:
Does anyone have any experience of this and can tell me if it really works and is legal?
Also, why do they charge so much when there are other services that can do this for much less (e.g. Stripe Atlas:
I am thinking of moving to Thailand, but I do not want to be a perpetual traveller. Can setting up a US LLC as a non-resident (or a UAE free zone company) be considered "foreign sourced income" without being taxed even if I am a tax resident of Thailand (>180 days living there) and what experience can you possibly share if you have tried something like this before?
What additional advice can you give me and others to make this a great trip instead of a nightmare?
Thanks for all your input and a healthy discussion on this topic!
Your biggest liability (tax-wise) is going to come from your revenue source. That's also where you should be careful. Next, is the country of your passport (because they got you by the **). Everybody else matter very little which is why you should steer away from Dubai, HK, off-shore, etc.. until you understand the nuances of your situation.
Do these services provide you with legal representation towards your home country? My guess is probably not.
These services do not provide legal representation as far as I know.
Most countries except the US will not tax you if you move to another country.
Plus you would need customers who are cool with paying you through an entity like that.
The current laws in Thailand state that foreign sourced income is only taxed if it is remitted to Thailand (source:
So this should be an option, don't you think?
One country for citizenship, one country for residence, one country for your money.
This arrangement earns you a lifetime of peace of mind.
I understand at least having a dual residency as a back up plan and that’s our plan with establishing residency in Costa Rica before retirement and keeping our by then paid off condo in the US.