How do you watch YouTube on your computer?

I used to watch youtube via chrome with a couple of extensions (adblock, unhook, clickbait remover), but adblock now seems to be hit and miss so it's a pretty poor experience.

I get if I was on android I could just use newpipe or something, but is there a browser-based equivalent I can use on my PC(I'm typically on a work computer (win11) & don't have local admin)?

1 points | by sam29681749 6 hours ago


  • bhaney 4 hours ago
    I watch youtube videos in mpv, which grabs the videos using yt-dlp. I think I have some kind of sponsorblock script loaded into mpv too.

    I tried to play a youtube video in-browser the other day for the first time in a while and noticed that it just stopped playing exactly 19 seconds in. Every other video I tested did the same thing. Didn't care enough to look into why because it still works fine in mpv/yt-dlp, so I'm fine with the website just being nonfunctional.

  • needcontainers 5 hours ago
    I never see ads when using Firefox
  • bbazuu 5 hours ago
    I pay for premium and get no ads