Leprechauns of Software Engineering


42 points | by gHeadphone 16 hours ago


  • itsdrewmiller 13 hours ago
    This book is good! I would recommend "Making Software: What Really Works, and Why We Believe It" for the inverse - a positive empirical case for things that do work (with some discussion of things that have been studied without rejecting the null hypothesis). It's not a contrarian take so not quite as readable, but it's overall better to have answers than be able to quibble with the proposals of others.
    • gHeadphone 13 hours ago
      Thank you. I’ve not heard of “Making Software”, but I’ll give it a read.

      I’m always fascinated by what people believe, both about software, and in general.

  • clemensm_elix 15 hours ago
    Great book, read it too some years ago. I'd really recommend for anyone who wants to think a bit critically about these topics for oneself and just repeat techno mumbo jumbo all day long :-)